Clinical Training Programme
Clinical Training Programme
cmi-experts has partnered with Scanomed, a Hungary-based imaging service provider and pioneer in PET/CT imaging, to offer a unique clinical PET/CT Training programme. This programme is modular, and aimed at customers of PET/CT technology with no or little clinical experience early in the PET/CT adoption process. For example, this relates to staff of a medical facility that takes delivery of a PET/CT system and intends to get a focus training on the modality and clinical capabilities. The 3 training modules that can be chosen by the customers are:- 1-week training at PET/CT Training Centre in Debrecen, Hungary
- 1-week on-site training at PET/CT adopter
- on-demand follow-up, remote training and expert reading
Module 1 comprises clinical training at the Scanomed Training Centre in Debrecen (Hungary). This site operates 2 whole-body PET/CT systems with a yearly throughput of 2'500 patients since 2008. During the 1-week curriculum attendees will join pre-selected tutorials by international PET/CT experts, get access to an extensive clinical case library and engage in reporting PET/CT cases from the daily routine at the site.
Module 2 can be chosen by trainees as needed. This curriculum will be fine leveled with the core needs of the customer needs at the new PET/CT site. As in Module 1 there will be a mix of tutorials and clinical activity, with a focus on the latter. A tutor from Module 1 will visit the PET/CT site and guide the customer through the 1-week curriculum.
Module 3 is aimed at providing additional support during later phases of PET/CT adoption and may include requests for secondary reading of complex cases, an update on technological developments and other questions from the customers.
As a unique feature of this international training programme, teaching and education during all modules will be independent of vendor-specific aspects. Clinical cases from a variety of international sites operating different PET/CT imaging equipment will be included. This ensures a balanced perspective on the adoption of PET/CT while giving new adopters of PET/CT technology an entry point to clinical PET/CT experience independent of their choice of PET/CT hardware.